Thursday, May 19, 2011

The proper tools...

Make sure that before you go out you have what you need.  This doesn't mean just pens and forms (which would be really embarrassing to show up without), but also information.  If you don't know before going out to see someone what they are likely to select then you need to do more homework.  Even if you work on an initial consultation model where nobody expects to make decisions on the first visit wouldn't having beautiful fabrics in the style that they like be handy to make a solid impression and guarantee your continued relationship?

Very frequently I will be told that the flooring is going to be changed, the paint is going to be redone, the furniture is not there or will be replaced.  Also it is usually accompanied by the suggestion that I come out and design everything without any input.  In the event you are in the same situation I suggest that at a minimum you get them to e-mail you pictures of the existing areas and find out what they had that they will be replacing.  Either you will learn what they like (as most people tend the replace with a similar style/color) or at least you will learn what they didn't like about what they had.

Remember: Eliminating a bad choice can be just as good as finding a good one.

Think about what you need to know and have before you set out.  My list is something like this:

Phone/GPS/Camera/Calculator (with pictures of prior work)
Pricing information
Fabric Samples in the correct color/style/price range
Alternate Samples in the most popular style/color/price range
Basic hardware book


Knowledge of necessary completion date
Understanding of scope of the work
History of customer's prior work and experiences
Customer's confirmed address and alternate contact information

There will always be other options, different fabric, more trim, etc.  But if you have all of the above everything else can be worked around.

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